

Find out all about building in the Shire of Quairading – everything from permits for workers and developers to information on pools, fences and smoke alarms.

On the 2nd April 2012, the Building Act 2011 commenced introducing a new building approval process for Western Australia.

A Building Permit is needed for construction of most structures including-

  • New Dwellings
  • Additions and/or alterations to existing dwellings
  • Outbuildings/sheds/gazebos with floor areas more than 10 square metres and more than 2.4 metres in height
  • Carports/patios with floor areas more than 10 square metres and more than 2.4 metres in height
  • Swimming Pools/Spas (both above and below ground)
  • Farm Sheds and Garages

To apply for a Building Permit, an application form must be completed and submitted with scaled plans (normally certified by a structural engineer in the case of larger structures or any metal formed structure), written specifications and the appropriate fees to Council’s Building Surveyor for consideration.

For further information on what is required to submit an application, please contact the Shire Office on 9645 2400, or follow the links below for the Permit Application and some helpful checklists.

Under the Building Act 2012, a building permit is required before commencement of most building work.

If the total value of the work exceeds $20,000 a Permit can only be issued to a Registered Builder or in some circumstances an Owner Builder. Please refer to the Building Commission website for additional information.

How to Obtain a Building Permit

One of the more significant changes of the Act is that you are now required to obtain a “Certificate of Design Compliance” (except in the case of Uncertified Permits issued by the Shire) from a Registered Building Surveyor before you can obtain a Building Permit. A Registered Building Surveyor can be a person who works for a Permit Authority, (such as Local Government) or who is privately employed. A permit authority is obligated to provide a service to issue a Certificate of Design Compliance for Residential (Class 1 and 10) buildings but is not required to provide this service for Class 2-9 Buildings.

For Residential (Class 1 and 10 Buildings), the Building Act provides 2 types of applications that you can make to seek a “Building Permit”, a “Certified Application” and an “Uncertified Application”.

For Class 2-9 Buildings, you only have the option to lodge a “Certified Application”.

A Certified Application may be made after you have obtained a Certificate of Design Compliance from a Registered Building Surveyor.
An Uncertified Application may be made where you wish to have the permit authority undertake the assessment of a Class 1 or 10 Building and issue both the Certificate of Design Compliance and Building Permit.

You also need to be aware that the Act also sets some time limits within which the Shire has to assess and determine an Application for a Building Permit. Time limits also apply within which an applicant needs to submit further information where an assessment of an Application finds that an application is missing information. It is important that before lodging an Application for a Building Permit you make sure you are aware of these time limits and that your Application is complete.

Uncertified – Building Permit Application (for Residential Class 1 & 10 Buildings only)

The Shire has 25 business days from the date of lodgement within which to determine an Application for Compliance.

If Council has not determined the Application within 25 business days, the application is taken to have been refused and you are entitled to a refund of your fee.

If during assessment of the Application within the 25 business day period, Council finds that there is information missing, the applicant may be given up to 21 calendar days within which to submit all the outstanding information.

Following submission of the outstanding information, Council has a further 25 business days to determine the Application.

Certified – Building Permit Application (for all Classes of Buildings)

For a certified Application you will need to first obtain a “Certificate of Design Compliance” issued by a Registered Building Surveyor, which will likely include a fee which will vary dependant on the Building Surveyor or Organisation that you engage to provide this Certificate.

On lodgement of a Certified Application, Council has 10 business days from the date of lodgement within which to determine a Certified Application.

If during the assessment of the Application within the 10 business day period the Shire notifies the applicant that further information is required, the applicant may be given up to 21 calendar days within which to provide the information.

Following submission of the outstanding information, Council has a further 10 business days to determine the Application.

Please Note: If Council has not determined the Application within the initial assessment period the Application is taken to have been refused and you are entitled to a refund of your fee. However, Council may still be able to issue the Building Permit after the 10 business days.
In the event your Application is taken to be refused, you are entitled to make an Application to the State Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision.

It is important that when Council has requested further information following assessment of either Application type, that you submit the information in one bundle and make sure that it accurately answers all specific issues, if not, Council also has the option to refuse the Application and retain all fees.

Plans and Specifications – New Buildings

Plans and specifications are to be submitted in duplicate and a Statement of Use, signed by the Owner and be lodged with the Building Surveyor in support of an Application for a Building Permit in respect to all proposals to:

Erect a Building or an Outbuilding,

Alter or make additions to an existing Building or Outbuilding,

Demolish or remove an existing Building or Outbuilding.

The plans, shall be

  • not less than 400 mm long and 300 mm wide;
  • are to be in ink on drawing paper; OR
  • shall be approved prints.

New Work is to be clearly delineated as distinct from Existing Work by means of colouring or other suitable means.

Buildings valued over $20,000 must be constructed by a Registered Builder or Registered Owner Builder. For dwellings of this value, Home Indemnity Insurance is required from the Registered Builder.

Home Indemnity Insurance is NOT required for Owner Builders.
Applications forms to become an Owner Builder are available from the Shire and should be lodged with the Builders Registration Board with the relevant Application Fee. Council requires proof of Owner Builder Approval from the Builders Registration Board before releasing the Building Permit.

Plans are to include the owner’s name and initials and shall comply with the following:

Two Complete sets of drawings (to a scale of not less than 1-100) showing a plan of every street elevation or external fronts and one or more sections, transverse or longitudinal, showing storeys, depths of foundations, underpinning, levels of the ground, the construction of the walls all clearly figured and dimensioned in millimetres together with any other information that the may require;

A block and drainage plan (to a scale of not less than 1-500) showing street names, lot numbers of the proposed site with the north point, the size and shape of the block of land on which it is proposed to alter or add to the building, alterations or additions, the dimensioned position of proposed buildings on the site; the relative levels of the site with respect of the street or roadway adjoining; the position of any existing sewers and existing stormwater drains; and the position of street trees, if any, be the roadway;

Two copies of specifications describing materials to be used in the construction if not indicated on the plans to show that the building, will be constructed in accordance with the Building Code of Australia;

Plans of septic systems and drains, and water disposal are to be submitted with the Building Application complete with a separate Application to Install an Apparatus for the Treatment of Sewerage. This is submitted to the Shire of Quairading with the relevant application inspection fee;

An estimate of the cost of the proposed construction and, when required by the Building Surveyor, address of the Registered Architect and/or Qualified Engineer, under whose supervision the construction is carried out; and

If building work is to be carried out by an Owner/Builder, then the value of his time is to be estimated and added to the cost of materials used, to obtain a true estimated value of the work.

Note: The Building Permit is considered void, if work is not substantially commenced, within one year of the date the permit was issued.


All work must be carried out in accordance with the standard of workmanship approved by the Builders Registration Board of Western Australia.

Building Contrary to Plans

If the owner or builder wishes to erect the building in any way contrary to the plans approved by Council, they should contact the Building Surveyor who has authority to approve the alterations.


It is the responsibility of the person submitting a Building Application to ensure that the proposed building is erected in conformity with the Building Code of Australia and the Health Bylaws in force.

Compliance with Fire

Every person lodging a Building Application with a floor area greater that 500m2, excluding Classes I and 10 of the Building Code, shall deposit with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services plans and specifications of sufficient detail to enable the Department to assess their compliance with the Fire Requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

Notification to other Relevant Authorities – It is the responsibility of the Builder to submit plans and specifications to the Water Corporation.

Re-Sited Dwellings

The dwelling will be inspected in its existing location. An Application Form must be completed and an Inspection Fee per hour paid (with an additional per kilometre fee if applicable). Should the structure be unacceptable, there will be no refund of this fee.

After payment of the Inspection Fee, arrangements should be made for Council’s Building Surveyor to inspect the building within seven (7) days and a report submitted to Council, at the first meeting after that inspection.

Following approval of the structure as suitable for transportation, plans and specifications must be lodged and a building licence obtained. Normal Building Fees are payable.

Council’s policy is that where the building is acceptable, a $5,000 Bond must be lodged, either in Cash / Cheque or Bank Guarantee with the Shire of Quairading and a legal agreement drawn up, whereby the Bond will be refunded on the following basis;

A refund of $5,000 will be made when the Applicant has complied with Council’s requirements and the dwelling inspected by Council’s Building Surveyor.

All applicant(s) must be prepared to accept any Conditions placed on the Building Permit by the Building Surveyor and any further Conditions that might be found necessary after the building has been placed on its new location.

A building will not be allowed to be moved into the Shire of Quairading boundaries until approval from Council has been obtained.

Further advice can be obtained from Council’s Building Surveyor on 9645 2400.

Building Forms

Please be advised as of 1 January, 2023 it is required in order to streamline the processing and accountability of “Country Building applications” that all applications be referred via the Kalamunda Website via the Portal, and additional information to be referred via the same portal, all emails related to applications/building concerns/enquiries to be sent to, (Attention Building Services)

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