Children & Families

Children & Families

Quairading is a great place to raise a family with excellent education offerings, childcare, play group and an after-school Youth Centre.

For information on each helpful family service see below.


REED Quairading (Little Rainmakers Child Care)

3 Murphy Street, Quairading

Phone: 9645 0730


Open for business on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Regional Early Education and Development Inc. (REED) is committed to making sure that the best quality early childhood education and care services are provided for Wheatbelt children, families and communities.

REED’s services include early education and care centres, family day care, in-venue care, outside school hours and vacation care.

REED welcomes all children families and educators and celebrates diversity.


President – Amy Wilson – 0422 101 402

Secretary – Jaime Garrett – 0417 991 470

Treasurer – Jess Richards – 0439 973 911

The Quairading Playgroup caters for 0-4 year olds who meet (along with their parents/carers) each Monday morning in what was the purpose built Kindergarten building on Murphy Street. This ensures children have a safe play environment to interact with other children at an early age. It’s also a much appreciated outing for parents for young children.

We welcome everyone to come along. Bring along your child/children for some fun. All you need is a hat and a small piece of fruit to share.


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Quairading District High School is located in the small Wheatbelt town of Quairading, about two hours east of Perth. We specialise in teaching students from K to 12 with approximately 150 students, our school is a little bit like a village. Our students and staff enjoy being part of a community, everybody knows your name, every person is valued and we all share a sense of belonging. Achievements are celebrated as a community and support and care is offered when needed.

Our school is surrounded by well cared for grounds and gardens which are actively supported by the P&C Grounds Committee. Our school has 10 classrooms, together with specialised rooms for IT, Science, Music, Manual Arts, Visual Arts, Home Economics and a well resourced Library. We have a purpose-build, wonderfully equipped on-site Kindergarten and Pre-Primary centre. We also have a covered assembly area, basketball and tennis courts, play equipment areas, walk-through native garden and large grassed oval.

Quairading DHS and the Quairading district as a whole is proud of its welcoming and supportive Q spirit. Based on the ideas of integrity and inclusivity, students, staff, parents and community members alike, interact and work with each other to ensure the prosperity and success of Quairading. Our students are an integral part of the local community.

For more detailed information about the school feel free to visit the website

Contact Information

Address McLennan Street, Quairading WA 6383
Phone 9645 1208
Fax 9645 1131
Mobile 0428 451 208


President – Jess Richards – 0439 973 911

Secretary – Amy Wilson – 0422 101 402

Treasurer – Jaime Garrett – 0417 991 470

Quairading Toy Library has a treasure trove of toys and paraphernalia catering primarily for 0-5 year olds, but also with a few treasures for our big kids. Being a part of a toy library is a fantastic opportunity to use a huge range of toys without having to purchase them and store them or to enable you to try before you buy.

The Toy Library operates by paying a small membership fee of $40 per year which allows its members to borrow toys on a fortnightly basis throughout the whole year. Currently we don’t have a roster, but operate on a serve yourself basis on our operating days, which have just changed to 9am every second Monday. Our only expectation of members is that they clean their own toys on return and once a year participate in a stock take, maintenance and clean of the toys.

Feel free to phone an office bearer to check dates. There is also a Facebook page for members.

We would like to invite you to come down and meet our committee and have a look at some of the wonderful big and small toys that we have on offer.


The Youth Centre is located opposite the school on the corner of Cubbine Road and Murphy Street. For more information please contact the Youth Services Officer via the Shire of Quairading on 9645 2400 or email

The Quairading Library is located at Quairading Bookpost.

Quairading Bookpost

Address: Cnr Jennaberring Road & McLennan Street Quairading WA 6383
Phone: (08) 9645 1133
Fax: (08) 9645 1133
Facebook: Quairading Book Post
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to 11.30am

For links to fabulous resources you can use at home go to the page below on the State Library of WA website. You’ll find Ancestry, Borrow Box, Busy Things and Popular Magazines – just to name a few.

Swimming Pool

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The Quairading Memorial Swimming Pool is located on McLennan Street, just past the Greater Sportsground and Bowling Club. The pool season generally commences on the 1st of November and ends on the last weekend in March.

Pool Manager: Contract Aquatic Services
Phone: (08) 9645 1222

Sunday 11.30am – 06.30pm
Monday 11.30am – 06.30pm
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 11.30am – 06.30pm
Thursday 11.30am – 06.30pm
Friday 11.30am – 06.30pm
Saturday 11.30am – 06.30pm

Note: the Quairading Aquatic Club will have exclusive use of the Swimming Pool on Thursday (after School) for Swimming Club and when Swimming Carnivals are hosted in Quairading.

Click here for fees and charges.

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